Silvertree News – South Africa is top Business Process Outsourcing location

South Africa is top Business Process Outsourcing location
Wednesday November 28th
On the 25th of October 2012, South Africa was announced as the winner of the National Outsourcing Association’s (NOA’s) Offshoring Destination of the Year Award. The award ceremony took place in London, and brought together the biggest Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) players from across the globe.
Within South Africa, Cape Town is the leading city for BPO and the establishment of call centres for new international companies, as well being the preferred location for the expansion of various domestic and international operations in recent years. Cape Town plays host to a number of leading global brands including Amazon, ASDA, Bloomberg, British Gas, iiNet, Shell, Shop Direct and T-Mobile.
Making Cape Town a destination in which the call centre industry can thrive ties in with the City of Cape Town’s efforts to build an Opportunity City, by creating an economically enabling environment in which business can thrive and jobs can be created.
In Cape Town, the BPO/call centre industry has grown from 20 428 agents in 2007/8, to 27 552 in 2011/12. This represents a year on year growth of 10.5%.
The offshoring sector saw even greater growth during this period, increasing from 2 963 to 4 727 agents within the same time period, representing a year on year growth of 16.9%. Within the last year this sector has created 1 619 direct jobs, and has attracted investment to the value of R510 million.
Business Process enabling South Africa (BPeSA) Western Cape is a City- funded body tasked with the facilitation of growth in this sector, and is the official trade and investment body for the BPO and offshoring /call centre industry in the Western Cape. This body runs the various programmes which have attracted the afore-mentioned international brands and outsourcers to Cape Town.
“BPO and Offshoring is one of Cape Town’s key growth sectors, and we are constantly looking for ways to develop it. The City of Cape Town, together with BPeSA Western Cape, have worked tirelessly to make Cape Town the outsourcing destination of choice,” says Alderman Belinda Walker, Mayoral Committee Member for Economic, Environmental and Spatial Planning.
The City recognises that there is no opportunity like a job opportunity. As such, we will continue to use the resources at our disposal to create an environment that is attractive to investments, development and growth.
Supporting this is the City’s broadband infrastructure investment, “R213 million has been allocated for the roll out of broadband infrastructure throughout the Metro. This investment will build-up extra data capacity in the city which will, in turn, boost our competitive advantage.” said Alderman Demetri Qually, Mayoral Committee Member for Corporate Services.
“The City’s investments in broadband infrastructure will yield considerable efficiency benefits for this sector particularly and reinforce our attractiveness as an outsourcing destination”, said Alderman Walker.
SA – the Good News via City of Cape Town
Category : Property News